Discover more about our services and offerings.


Resilience coaching/training

As a Certified Resilience Coach, we are trained to facilitate a transformative workshop to enhance resilience and improve overall wellbeing.  Based on the PR6 Resilience Program, the primary objective of this workshop is to equip participants with the essential knowledge, skills, and strategies to effectively enhance their resilience across six critical domains: Vision, Composure, Reasoning, Tenacity, Collaboration, and Health. By attending this workshop, participants will learn how to cultivate a resilient mindset, manage stress and emotions, set and achieve meaningful goals, improve relationships, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Ultimately, the workshop aims to empower individuals and businesses to navigate life's challenges with greater confidence, adaptability, and wellbeing, leading to increased personal satisfaction and professional success.

The PR6 Resilience Program workshop delivers valuable benefits for both individuals and businesses, ensuring that participants and organisations alike enjoy lasting, positive outcomes.

Individual benefits:

  • Enhanced resilience: Develop a strong foundation of skills and habits to effectively handle challenges, setbacks, and stress.

  • Improved mental and emotional wellbeing: Gain greater emotional regulation, adaptability, and a positive outlook on life.

  • Clearer vision and goals: Learn to set meaningful, achievable goals aligned with your personal values and long-term vision.

  • Better relationships: Strengthen social skills, communication abilities, and support networks to foster deeper connections with others.

  • Healthier lifestyle: Create sustainable habits around nutrition, sleep, and exercise to support a healthy body and mind.

  • Increased confidence: Build self-esteem and belief in your ability to overcome challenges and achieve personal goals.

  • Greater life satisfaction: Experience a heightened sense of fulfilment and overall happiness through enhanced resilience and wellbeing.

Business benefits:

  • Increased productivity: Resilient employees are better equipped to handle workplace challenges, leading to higher levels of productivity and efficiency.

  • Improved employee engagement: Fostering resilience helps create a more positive and supportive work environment, resulting in higher employee engagement and job satisfaction.

  • Enhanced adaptability: Equip your team with the skills needed to navigate change, adapt to new situations, and effectively solve problems.

  • Stronger teamwork and collaboration: The workshop promote better communication, trust, and collaboration among team members, fostering a more cohesive and successful work environment.

  • Reduced absenteeism and turnover: By supporting employees' wellbeing and resilience, businesses can lower rates of absenteeism and employee turnover, saving costs associated with hiring and training new staff.

  • Strengthened company culture: Investing in employee resilience contributes to a positive company culture, enhancing your organisation's reputation and making it more attractive to potential hires.

  • Competitive advantage: A resilient workforce provides a competitive edge, enabling businesses to better respond to challenges, embrace innovation, and thrive in a dynamic market.

Workshop structure:

  • The workshop consists of seven modules overall – one introductory module, followed by modules focused on each resilience domain.

  • The structure of the workshop is flexible, for example, it can be broken up and delivered in shorter sessions over consecutive weeks/months or as an intensive full-day or multi-day session.

  • It can be delivered in both a one-on-one or group setting. For example, with a business executive or manager, or with a whole team to optimize performance and improve overall wellbeing.

Bespoke presentations and workshops

At Grow, we understand that every business, organisation and community group are different. That is why we can craft and facilitate presentations and workshops that are tailored and suited towards the needs of your staff or members. This could be focused on one particular topic or a range of topics.

Here are a few examples of topics we can present on:

  • Self-care

  • Communication

  • Managing conflict

  • Relationships

  • Self-regulation

  • Goal-setting

  • Mental health education

  • Parenting

  • And much more!

No matter the topic, Grow ensures that all their presentations and workshops are evidence-informed and have elements of practical and experiential activities, in order to bolster interest, participation and learning.

Depending on your circumstances, these presentations and workshops can run for one hour or two days!

Temporary/short-term placements

At Grow, our latest service offering is our temporary/short-term placements. This is when there is a knowledge, skills or availability gap in a business and our founder, Emma, works with the organisation and fills this gap for a period of time.

This shortage could be for a few different reasons. For example:

  • A key employee is on leave, such as a Wellbeing Officer or Employee Experience Manager and there are ongoing tasks to be managed.


  • There is a particular project that requires the knowledge and skills of someone who has worked in the human services/mental health sector for numerous years, such as reviewing/renewing policies and procedures or creating/managing wellbeing calendars/events. And much more!

These placements could be for a few hours per week, up to 20 hours a week. It just depends on the particular businesses’ needs and goals.

Connecting you with us


What are you looking for?

Reach out to discuss your needs - you’ll be asked a few questions to help us tailor our suggestions.


Personalised suggestions.

We’ll share our thoughts on what we think is the best option for your needs and preferences.


Pick the service.

Schedule in the service and get ready to participate, learn and grow.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.